Elevate your looks with personal grooming.
Personal grooming makes a person confident. Personal grooming does not mean applying heavy makeup, wearing expensive clothes, or wearing heavy jewelry. It can be achieved very easily. Being presentable is enough.Here are a few tips for personal grooming-Personal hygiene-Wash your hands frequently with hand wash or sanitize your hands. It prevents several diseases and removes dust from your hands. Have a good night's sleep for at least 7 hours or more. Wear clean clothes. Dirty clothes cause several skin diseases and infections. Use a good-quality detergent to wash your clothes. Have a bath regularly to prevent skin disease. Have a regular doctor check-up. Keep your nails clean. Trim and cut nails regularly.Hair care-Use natural oils on the scalp and hair once or twice a week. Castor oil, olive oil, lavender oil, coconut oil, and many other oils are good for hair.Do not wear tight ponytails, buns, or hairstyles frequently; they loosen the roots of the hair, leading to hair fall. Do not wash your hair frequently, as it washes away all natural oils. Avoid using hard water. Place a towel on wet hair; do not rub, as it loosens the roots and produces friction. Use a conditioner; do